The set of dynamometers is intended to demonstrate experiments on mechanics and
other courses of physics. The set includes two dynamometers with round scale
and three tube dynamometers.
| Round scale dynamometers are mounted in metal boxes having arrowed dial-plate
at one side and mechanism at the other side. The set includes a model of
double-tee beam of 800 mm length with strokes and two movable hooks, two
movable tables of 70 mm diameter, two movable blocks, two trihedral prisms. The
dial-plate has double-sided scale with the zero mark put in the middle. Maximal
load is 12 N. Scale interval is 1 N. The scale is labeled with 1 N step. The
scale is calibrated by rotating. Thus, zero value is set up. A set of tube
dynamometers includes three dynamometers of 2.5 N, 5 N, 10 N of maximal load
respectively. Each dynamometer consists of two tubes of lengths up to 200 mm.
The tubes can be freely put in and out of each other. The tubes are linked by
spring. The tips of spring have hooks. External tube is surrounded by metal
movable belt providing the dynamometer fixation at tripod. External tube also
holds a corrector intended to prevent from minor factors. The dynamometer have
different scale interavls (0.25 N, 0.5 N, 1 N).