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Rambler's Top100

Educational equipment: Complectetion Physics room for secondary school

The "Crystallization" set
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  • The "Crystallization" set


    Is intended to hold frontal and practical works on researching crystallization regularities and measuring temperature of crystallization.

    > Device configuration

    The set includes samples of three substances having peculiar properties of the "liquid - solid state" phase change and manual. Each sample weighs 5 g.

    > The experiments

    The set provides the following researche and measurements:

    - measuring temperature of crystallization

    - researching properties of overchilled liquid

    - observing solidification of amorphic state

    A thermometer is required.
    Additional information

    Using in rooms:

    ©1992-2024. «L-Micro»      design by Silent Art       created by Elena Mitkina UP